The journey of Kelsey Baer serving in the Milan, Italy mission from March 2013- September 2014
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Buon Giorno Tutti!
And buon giorno indeed! DISCLAIMER! This email will be rather short because we've got to catch our train to VENICE in like an hour!
I realized that I never sent my address to you, folks! So, without further ado...
Sorella Kelsey Baer
Via Arrigo Boito,
36100 Vicenza
grazie mile!
Oh dear Vicenza.
This week--
Mom, this place is one of the most humid cities in Italy. My first couple of days here I kept thinking that my sheets were wet and my clothes were wet-- nope, just moisture. And this moisture, thus indicates, that the Kelsey Baer wild mane remains untamed. Yup, this dear hair of mine. Bless it's heart.
On Sunday, Sorella Beutler and I BOTH spoke in BOTH branches. We each gave an 8-10 minute talk in our Italian Branch and a 20 minute talk in our American branch. Let's just say that preparing for both of these was rather difficult... having two different topics and languages... MERCY. In our Italian branch we both spoke on service and then in our American branch I spoke on charity and Sorella Beutler did an UNREAL job speaking on missionary work. In our American branch, we had one of our soldiers bring a friend to church. This dear guy is 21, and he showed up to church ready to learn about the Mormons. Beuts and I felt a lot of pressure, being the only speakers with brand new investigators in the congregation. I felt to testify about a few specific things in accordance with the charity. And after the meeting, this young non member soldier came up to me and said that throughout my talk he knew "somehow" that he was in the right place in the right time, that he felt things and received answers to things that no one else knew. After church, he came over with a couple of other soldiers to the Arbogasts where we had a huge dinner and another lesson, he also came to FHE where he had another lesson, and went to institute yesterday!!! (which the Arbogast's teach!) he's bringing a friend to church on Sunday and we're planning on teaching him tonight! To say he's golden, would be an understatement.I know that the Lord fills our mouths with the very things we need to say, when we need to say them. I pray that we don't hesitate on these impressions.
I don't know how the Lord helped us both prepare and give these talks, one hour after each other, but the Lord sure does qualify us. It was an incredible experience, and I'm grateful for the things that we learned.
Sorella Beutler and I made TWO batches of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and it was arguably one of the finest moments here in Vicenza. The dear Italians sure loved them, they've never beheld such goodness! Mama, I was in absolute heaven-- They're handsdown my favorite dessert, and bless Slla. Beutler's idea of that beloved occasion!
Now to those whom I love most,
may I just explain how Vicenza's captured my heart. We've got green, Italian countryside, colorful houses up on hills, castles and old churches, a proprio Italiano centro, Italians and Americans, and people so beautifully open to the message of Jesus Christ. Sure, we get rejected, sure, some people aren't ready. But for the most part, the people here in Vicenza love their Savior, Jesus Christ and can recognize His hand in their life.
One thing specifically that's brought me so much joy and positivity, warmth and fulfillment is our working with our soldiers in our American branch. These young men have such a desire to be good. Beuts and I are CONSISTENTLY in awe at the honor these men hold and protect. I've never worked so closely with military men, and mercy, am I grateful. We've got a pretty solid group of 7 or so men, who are between 20-30 and just returned from Afghanistan in April. They astound me with their testimonies and desires. They're all seeking the right path and the right resources for happiness. Our family home evenings at the Arbogasts' have literally become like a FAMILY gathering. Those men, the Arbogasts and us are a beautiful family unit that supports and sustains each other.
Elder Oaks said, "The greatest miracle that can happen is a change of heart." And let me tell you, seeing the hearts of these men change, watching the change in desires in our investigators, witnessing the literal change in my own heart has been a MIRACLE.
I've never desired so much to remain near to my Savior, to utilize the beautiful gift of His Atonement, to plead with my Heavenly Father for the people close and far from me. I cherish my prayers more than ever, and I believe that these changes in ourselves are a miracle.
May we realize what goodness we can share, what influence we can have,
and what love we can feel. Through the grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we can.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Con tutto del mio amore,
Sorella Baer
p.s. I love you.
p.s.s. Happy late memorial day! the soldiers here were lovin' it!
p.s.s.s.Happy one year mark to my dear boys Elders Walton and Larsen! So proud of you, friends of mine!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Vicenza-- la città dei miracoli.
To those whom I love most,
I can't wait to explain how this week has been flooded with miracles! (Speaking of flooding, Vicenza got flooded this past week! Our river was 17 feet higher than it usually is! we're talking POURING. we were drenched, Sorella Beutler and I had so much fun sprinting and dodging the rain, it was a good time;)
MIRACOLO 1: Elder Nelson is coming to our stake on June 9th!!! Yes, the heart surgeon apostle whom we all love and adore is coming to the Venezia Stake! We have so many less-actives and investigators to take! We're all so pumped!
MIRACOLO 2: A dear member found out that I play the ukulele and unbeknownst to me, they got me one! It was such a surprise, and suchhhh a gift. Those who know me, know just how much I LOVE to play the ukulele; so this was a little tender mercy. Well, the best part is, I've started to teach Sorella Beauty how to play and we've been coming up with finding work ideas and how to use it! Talk about tracting! I can't wait to play around streets and centro, and find people with it, and bring them to Christ! This dear uke doesn't know what it's in for, other than the most fulfilling work on Earth-- MISSIONARY WORK! Beauty and I are PUMPEDDDD. Also, at our district meeting we were able to be graced by the musical talents of Anziano Burr (who has a cd on iTunes) and Anziano Burton (who was on American Idol and went to Hollywood)-- mercy, these men are great. Then the brilliant idea dawned on us to have a zone missionary music night. It'll be June 8 and we'll invite all of our investigators, members, less-actives, new-converts and all of their friends! The zone is so stoked! The uke will even make an appearance that night! We're hoping (fingers crossed and maybe strings pulled) that since Elder Nelson will already be in Italy that night, that he'd be able to come?! we'll see! Regardless, we're so thrilled to be able to use the gift and power of music to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, Anz. Burton and I have already started collaborating and arranging some harmonies and songs!
MIRACOLO 3: This one might seem small but still wondrous, the Arbogasts are arguably the most generous, thoughtful, and loving individuals I've ever met. To say they're our grandparents would be understating our relationship with them-- we LOVE THEM. This week they showed up with two brand new boxes of Master Crumble (cereal from the gods. I literally don't know how I went 19 years without this puppy, I can down a box in 3.2 seconds), a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper because they found out (randomly) that I love it, and canned corn, because at our lunch with them last week, I ate about 8 servings of it. They're so darn thoughtful to notice the little things we like, and they sure spoil us. Having them here is a constant reminder of the Lord's love for us and just how much He's aware of us because they listen to the Spirit so well.
MIRACOLO 4: I had the privilege of going to a new missionary training this past week. We met as two zones, where I got to see Anziano Axson, which was like seeing a member of my family! (I've been missing my MTC district!) I also got to see President and Sister Wolfgramm which was WONDERFUL. I absolutely sustain and adore them and know that they are called of the Lord and the things they teach us are inspired. While we were there, I learned that our goals reflect our desire (as stated in PMG) and that there are blessings to be given to us that are solely waiting in reserve for us to exercise our faith and ask for them. When we elevate our attitude and our efforts, we put ourselves in positions where the Lord can show us miracles. Being rejuvenated and spiritually electrified at this training was a miracle in itself!
MIRACOLO 5: It would be putting it lightly to say that having Sorella Beutler (I call her Beuts or Beauty) as a companion is a miracle, because I don't know how I landed her when pretty sure every other Sorella in the mission is praying to have her as a companion! Seriously, I'm told ALLLLL the time, "Sorella Baer! You don't know how lucky you are to have Sorella Beutler, I wanted her!" Well, folks, I can tell you, that I know how lucky I am. Everyday, I realize more and more of the blessing she is to me. Sorella Amber Beutler is absolutely phenomenal. She's diligent and kind, loves openly and easily, compliments and affirms, is hilarious and laughs often, is so talented and warm, and carries the most powerful spirit with her always. She testifies boldly and delivers everything she says with love and tenderness. She's one of the strongest individuals I've ever met, and I will herald her name into the eternities, for teaching me so much. I couldn't be here in Vicenza without my Beuts. We love each other, and I thank the Lord daily for the miracle I've been granted of my companion.
e MIRACOLO 6: (BACKGROUND) yesterday while I was out on a giro with Sorella Bush. (oh we were on splits) we ran into a woman who was DRIPPING with worldliness. As we talked, I felt of her spirit screaming to be taken care of, yet masked in artificial and temporary sources of satisfaction. Seeing her like this broke my heart. She had no desire to change. We testified of the inexplicable, lasting joy we can receive from the Gospel, but she wasn't that interested. After we returned home, I found my miracle, in Jacob 5, and it is THIS that I want to testify of today.
As the Lord is laboring in the vineyard, He is then led to weep as He asks, "What more could I have done in my vineyard?" Our sweet Savior is so saddened to see His different trees that He's nourished, digged and pruned still bring forth bad fruit. But then the servant says, "Spare it a little longer."
Brothers and sisters, family and friends, oh how we have the need to spare it a little longer. We can't be giving up on people, the Lord isn't. We have the miracle of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which includes every individual no matter what their circumstance is, no matter the choices they've made or the sins they've committed. No sin or trial puts us outside the extension of His outstretched arms. We need to have patience and forgiveness, understanding and love with the different people in our lives. We are here to judge less and love more. The Lord would interract with and love all. After I read Jacob 5, my heart still hurt a bit for this woman, but my hope, faith and understanding of the infinitely PERFECT Atonement of Jesus Christ was re-established.
I have such a testimony that the Lord wants us ALL back. It is then our duty and privilege to do all we can to seek out those individuals that need nourishing, digging and pruning. We must LABOR diligently for them and their souls-- in this, we receive blessings and joy. I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have to be a missionary of Jesus Christ, where I bear witness of Him, as I bear His name on my chest, because I have been able to feel of the deep love He has for EACH of His children, and it is this blessing that I cherish the most from my mission.
Yes, this is hard. I do struggle. But I treasure the time I have each night to plead unto the Lord for these people. To feel of His love and desires for them. To feel how proud He is of them. I feel His love for them and for me so abundantly as I pray. I think my nightly prayer time is my favorite time of day because I can speak so honestly and openly with Him who knows me best. I love this work, and after teaching lessons and seeing miracles this week, I know that He is behind it all.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Con tutto del mio amore,
Sorella Baer
p.s. I love you.
I can't wait to explain how this week has been flooded with miracles! (Speaking of flooding, Vicenza got flooded this past week! Our river was 17 feet higher than it usually is! we're talking POURING. we were drenched, Sorella Beutler and I had so much fun sprinting and dodging the rain, it was a good time;)
MIRACOLO 1: Elder Nelson is coming to our stake on June 9th!!! Yes, the heart surgeon apostle whom we all love and adore is coming to the Venezia Stake! We have so many less-actives and investigators to take! We're all so pumped!
MIRACOLO 2: A dear member found out that I play the ukulele and unbeknownst to me, they got me one! It was such a surprise, and suchhhh a gift. Those who know me, know just how much I LOVE to play the ukulele; so this was a little tender mercy. Well, the best part is, I've started to teach Sorella Beauty how to play and we've been coming up with finding work ideas and how to use it! Talk about tracting! I can't wait to play around streets and centro, and find people with it, and bring them to Christ! This dear uke doesn't know what it's in for, other than the most fulfilling work on Earth-- MISSIONARY WORK! Beauty and I are PUMPEDDDD. Also, at our district meeting we were able to be graced by the musical talents of Anziano Burr (who has a cd on iTunes) and Anziano Burton (who was on American Idol and went to Hollywood)-- mercy, these men are great. Then the brilliant idea dawned on us to have a zone missionary music night. It'll be June 8 and we'll invite all of our investigators, members, less-actives, new-converts and all of their friends! The zone is so stoked! The uke will even make an appearance that night! We're hoping (fingers crossed and maybe strings pulled) that since Elder Nelson will already be in Italy that night, that he'd be able to come?! we'll see! Regardless, we're so thrilled to be able to use the gift and power of music to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, Anz. Burton and I have already started collaborating and arranging some harmonies and songs!
MIRACOLO 3: This one might seem small but still wondrous, the Arbogasts are arguably the most generous, thoughtful, and loving individuals I've ever met. To say they're our grandparents would be understating our relationship with them-- we LOVE THEM. This week they showed up with two brand new boxes of Master Crumble (cereal from the gods. I literally don't know how I went 19 years without this puppy, I can down a box in 3.2 seconds), a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper because they found out (randomly) that I love it, and canned corn, because at our lunch with them last week, I ate about 8 servings of it. They're so darn thoughtful to notice the little things we like, and they sure spoil us. Having them here is a constant reminder of the Lord's love for us and just how much He's aware of us because they listen to the Spirit so well.
MIRACOLO 4: I had the privilege of going to a new missionary training this past week. We met as two zones, where I got to see Anziano Axson, which was like seeing a member of my family! (I've been missing my MTC district!) I also got to see President and Sister Wolfgramm which was WONDERFUL. I absolutely sustain and adore them and know that they are called of the Lord and the things they teach us are inspired. While we were there, I learned that our goals reflect our desire (as stated in PMG) and that there are blessings to be given to us that are solely waiting in reserve for us to exercise our faith and ask for them. When we elevate our attitude and our efforts, we put ourselves in positions where the Lord can show us miracles. Being rejuvenated and spiritually electrified at this training was a miracle in itself!
MIRACOLO 5: It would be putting it lightly to say that having Sorella Beutler (I call her Beuts or Beauty) as a companion is a miracle, because I don't know how I landed her when pretty sure every other Sorella in the mission is praying to have her as a companion! Seriously, I'm told ALLLLL the time, "Sorella Baer! You don't know how lucky you are to have Sorella Beutler, I wanted her!" Well, folks, I can tell you, that I know how lucky I am. Everyday, I realize more and more of the blessing she is to me. Sorella Amber Beutler is absolutely phenomenal. She's diligent and kind, loves openly and easily, compliments and affirms, is hilarious and laughs often, is so talented and warm, and carries the most powerful spirit with her always. She testifies boldly and delivers everything she says with love and tenderness. She's one of the strongest individuals I've ever met, and I will herald her name into the eternities, for teaching me so much. I couldn't be here in Vicenza without my Beuts. We love each other, and I thank the Lord daily for the miracle I've been granted of my companion.
e MIRACOLO 6: (BACKGROUND) yesterday while I was out on a giro with Sorella Bush. (oh we were on splits) we ran into a woman who was DRIPPING with worldliness. As we talked, I felt of her spirit screaming to be taken care of, yet masked in artificial and temporary sources of satisfaction. Seeing her like this broke my heart. She had no desire to change. We testified of the inexplicable, lasting joy we can receive from the Gospel, but she wasn't that interested. After we returned home, I found my miracle, in Jacob 5, and it is THIS that I want to testify of today.
As the Lord is laboring in the vineyard, He is then led to weep as He asks, "What more could I have done in my vineyard?" Our sweet Savior is so saddened to see His different trees that He's nourished, digged and pruned still bring forth bad fruit. But then the servant says, "Spare it a little longer."
Brothers and sisters, family and friends, oh how we have the need to spare it a little longer. We can't be giving up on people, the Lord isn't. We have the miracle of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which includes every individual no matter what their circumstance is, no matter the choices they've made or the sins they've committed. No sin or trial puts us outside the extension of His outstretched arms. We need to have patience and forgiveness, understanding and love with the different people in our lives. We are here to judge less and love more. The Lord would interract with and love all. After I read Jacob 5, my heart still hurt a bit for this woman, but my hope, faith and understanding of the infinitely PERFECT Atonement of Jesus Christ was re-established.
I have such a testimony that the Lord wants us ALL back. It is then our duty and privilege to do all we can to seek out those individuals that need nourishing, digging and pruning. We must LABOR diligently for them and their souls-- in this, we receive blessings and joy. I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have to be a missionary of Jesus Christ, where I bear witness of Him, as I bear His name on my chest, because I have been able to feel of the deep love He has for EACH of His children, and it is this blessing that I cherish the most from my mission.
Yes, this is hard. I do struggle. But I treasure the time I have each night to plead unto the Lord for these people. To feel of His love and desires for them. To feel how proud He is of them. I feel His love for them and for me so abundantly as I pray. I think my nightly prayer time is my favorite time of day because I can speak so honestly and openly with Him who knows me best. I love this work, and after teaching lessons and seeing miracles this week, I know that He is behind it all.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Con tutto del mio amore,
Sorella Baer
p.s. I love you.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Such a Sweet Message
Here is a message Momma Baer received from Sister Arbogast, a senior missionary serving in Sorella Baer's area. This is truly music to a missionary mom's ears! (Kelsey made her Mother's Day call from Sister Arbogast's home.)
'We are happy missionaries because of her and Sister Beutler. They are so good together and truly love being companions in the truest sense. I can't tell you how they bear testimony so sweetly and all they teach can feel their love for the Savior. They will do a great work here and we are so excited to have Sisters in the Branch. You can be so proud of her and she will honor both her earthly and Heavenly parents with her call to serve. We will take care of her!'
'We are happy missionaries because of her and Sister Beutler. They are so good together and truly love being companions in the truest sense. I can't tell you how they bear testimony so sweetly and all they teach can feel their love for the Savior. They will do a great work here and we are so excited to have Sisters in the Branch. You can be so proud of her and she will honor both her earthly and Heavenly parents with her call to serve. We will take care of her!'
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
La Settimana Due
Folks, Fam, Friends and all.
I can't believe that we're at this again! Mercy alive, how time is flying. it seems like days are like 46 hours long and weeks take .2 seconds. But goodness. I realized that last week I told y'all jack hinder about this beautiful place, Vicenza and other important stuff. Quindi, I will now take the time to take care of some much needed business:)
(in numerical order for organizational purposes--)2. Happy late birthday to all of my dear best friends! Mick, Syd, Treysers-- happy 20th! All though we're all over the world (New York City, Provo, and Paris) I was prayin' for y'all and sending my love!
3. And now, perhaps the most excitin' piece of news yet--- WELCOME HOME, IRMA BAER! Folks. Yes, my dear sister and other half is finished with her mission! As we speak, right this second, I'm emailing her, while she's in Portugal with Mama and Papa Baer! Abes-- I woulda been there, hope you know! But I'm exactly where I need to be! You're an exceptional missionary whose dedication, example, service, testimony and faith got me out here on my mission! I can never fully express my gratitude and admiration for you, Irma Baer, but I can think of no better thing we both could be doing! I'm so proud of you! It was hard for me to swallow at first the fact that had I been called to report even two weeks later, I could've seen you. But I know that this is where I need to be, and when I need to be here. And also, that there's no better place for us to reunite after 3 years then the Rome temple. See you there, baby, August 2014:)
(and nowww for some mission stuff!)
4.Vicenza is about 40 minutes away from Venice. We're in the Venezia Stake and all, and.... drum roll please..... WE'RE A-HEADED TO VENICE ONE WEEK FROM TODAY FOR P-DAY!!! Color me stoked out of my mind!
5. Dear Anziano Matt Colemere is here and it's lovely! I saw him my first day here and he's actually Anz. Axson's companion! They're PERFECT together! I'm excited to see them both on Friday for a training meeting in Verona!
ANDDDDDD now, let's talk about the work here. My most favorite thing. The reason I'm here: the missionary work qua a Vicenza.
For the Italian Branch: on Sunday we had 5 investigators come to church! We're meeting with these dear investigators often. One of them who is remarkably close to my heart, is a beautiful 16 yr-old girl, Maria. She's one of the most elect people I've ever met. She had problems with her Catholic Church, she thought it was fake and a bit hypocritical. So she somehow stumbled upon the church online, found the address, and got herself, by herself, to church one Sunday to ask for a Book of Mormon-- she was SEEKING the truth, we couldn't feel more privileged to spend time with someone so special and desirous. We taught her last week, and we felt like we should teach about prayer and the precious gift we have to pray, and develop the tender relationship with our Heavenly Father. She broke down and explained that this was so good to hear, because it was hard for her. Sorella Beutler nudged me, and so I invited her to be baptized. My first real lesson-- I was nervous, to get the words right, to be too forward. But with faith, I stumbled out the words, and she said yes. How sweet the word, "Si," is to my soul:) She comes to church faithfully be herself every week, and BEST THING EVER? We're spending our entire p-day today with her! She's going to show us around Vicenza! best stores, restaurants, and then after, we're going to have another lesson with her tonight where we want to land a baptism date! And this was all Maria's idea! I love her fully. With all of my heart, I desire so much for her because I feel of her goodness and desire.
I love you all and pray for you daily. I feel so blessed each and every day here in Italy to be be able to bear His name as I bear witness of His beautiful and joyful restored gospel! This is true happiness, and this is where the joy lays! Let us share this message of joy and gladness with all!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Ciao mia cara famiglia! It's about dang time that I'm able to talk to y'all! Mercy alive, have I got wondrous things to share!
First and foremost, we made it safely to beautiful Vicenza-- la mia prima città! My, I've never had such anxiety as we awaited the news as to who was our trainer and where we'd be headed! Once we landed in Milano, we were greeted by President and Sister Wolfgramm with such warmth and love-- it felt like I was coming home.
Off to a Milano chapel we headed, where we proceeded to stay awake for the following 10 hours. We're talking running on like no sleep for 3 days straight, people. GOODNESS. But alas, I'm grateful because jet lag was minimalized. Comunique, after training for all of us new missionaries, we sorelle headed to the d'Uomo! Yes, folks, the very one indeed. And the reason behind such a visit? To marvel or take pictures? Well, somewhat. But mostly, to PROSELYTE! WOO-HOO! My dear collega, Sorella Ervin and I placed our very first Book of Mormon, to a sweet man named Saide. He couldn't belive that we'd only been in Italy for a couple of hours. I knew then how much I enjoyed bearing testimony in this beautiful language-- a language which I know I was called to speak for a reason; my Italian's not perfect, but it's becoming natural to the point where I STRUGGLE WITH ENGLISH, writing, speaking, you name it. (For this short intermission--I apologize for the typos, we've got crazy keyboard syndrome and funky brain syndrome up in here.)
E poi, giorno due. After sleeping in a BEAUTIFUL hotel after our first night, we headed back to the chapel to FINALLY find out where we were headed! Goodness, our anxiety was off the charts. In our group, there were 31 of us: 17 sorelle and 14 anziani. The biggest group yet to ever come to Milano at one time! #theworkishastening
The AP's start calling out cities and names. Taking their time, however, my pulse just kept on accelerating until one beautifully statuesque training sorella stands up. Her name is Sorella Beutler and she said, ''I'm headed to Vicenza. Where I've never been before. So I don't know anything about it... but I'm going with... oh no, I'm going to mess up this name... Sorella Baer!!!'' WAHOOTIE! I leapt out of my plastic chair and gave her a good ole Baer hug. President then proceeded to tell us that we were headed to the beautiful city of Vicenza! That we would be pink-washing the place! (replacing the elders) Vicenza hasn't had sorelle missionarie in 26 years! Did we feel stoked? you betcha. a bit overwhelmed? certo.
Upon arrival in Vicenza, we were picked up by the lovely Arbogasts, a senior couple here in Vicenza that are the world's loveliest couple! Mama, have no fear. Sorella Arbogast HOOKS US UP. We're talking homemade meals, Klondike Bars, the WORKS. They're our dear grandparents here and Sorella Beuts and I ADORE them. Off to our little, yet charming apartment we headed! We came to find out that in Vicenza there's a military base! Here's to both Sisters Baer on a military base! Which means that we have two branches, two groups of members and investigators, 6 hours of church a Sunday, and lots and lots of love:) We instantly knew how much work there was to be done in Vicenza, but oh, how we ate it up! Sorella Beuts and I looked at each other and knew just how much there was to be done and just how excited and blessed we were to do so.
AND NOW-- a short intermission about the loveliness of Sorella Beutler-- my dear folks, I don't know how I landed myself one of the female three nephites as a trainer, but I did (don't fret, I know the three nephites are men, we're good). She's a literal angel. Driven, responsible, kind, loving, generous, patient, affirming. Her favorite word is: beautiful. She literally drops it once every 4.3 seconds. I LOVE it. (I call her 'my lil beaut', it kills me;) She looks at life and missionary work with such optimism and focus-- I couldn't ask for more. I feel so fortunate to have the perfect example with me at all times. We both love Vicenza and the people, the food and the architecture, the city and the branches, food (in general) and Sign Language. Yes folks, she signs. I sign. The church is true.
AND WE'RE BACK-- the first couple days were a bit overwhelming as we had LOTS of housekeeping items to take care of. From grocery shopping to apartment prepping, let's just say that by Sunday, we were more than anxious to get going. Our dear beloved Sunday, 6 hours of church was absolutely INCREDIBLE. Yes, my brain was chuggin slowly after hearing Italian straight for the first 3 hours, but how we loved it. Immediately upon entering the Relief Society room, those dear Italian sisters embraced us, kissed us, and kept telling us how excited they were, that the branch hasn't sisters in a longggg time, and that they were just longing for sister missionaries. Sorella Beuts and I bore our testimonies in Sacrament Meeting and Relief Society, and I've developed a strong testimony of the gift of tongues. I can feel our generous Father in Heaven filling my mouth with words. I'm able to say what I need to, simply, mind you. But we're getting there;)
After the first branch, the dear Arbogasts made us lunch for the hour in between the two branches, and then we had the military branch, which is basically more like a ward. 160 members, 50 children, you know, enormous. They're all American and speak English. So the transition between speaking with the members is un po dificile. And by un po, I mean MOLTO. But the American branch is so dear to us. They made us feel so needed. We were handed numbers, addresses, and referrals. That branch is incredible. They truly believe in the power of missionary work, and we feel that we will be very used, which we WANT DESPERATELY. We tried to express this in every way possible. That Sorella Beutler and I both feel very lucky and blessed to be here in Vicenza, and also that we're here to work, to help, to be a vehicle for the love of our Savior.
And in closing, I just want to bear simple testimony that the Lord knows us. To be honest, my first couple nights here in Vicenza, I prayed and pleaded with the Lord to know my purpose here in Vicenza. To know that this is where I'm supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I was incredibly overwhelmed by what was expected of us, both new in this city, me, a new missionary, in a totally foreign land and language. But I gladly testify and bear firm witness, that the Lord qualifies us. That when He calls us, He also qualifies us. I feel that more and more each day. There's nothing I want to do more than declare of the joy and love and peace we can receive from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have a testimony that only by Him, and through Him can we receive these blessings. His Atonement is for all. His grace is sufficient for all.
Nel nome di Gesù Cristo, amen.
Be good to each other now, ya hear?! I love y'all and am so grateful for the love and support I've been blessed with.
Tutto il mio amore,
Sorella Baer
p.s. I love you.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Milano Arrival! May 1, 2013
Sorella Baer has arrived safely in Milan, Italy and is spending her first afternoon (after already being up over 24 hours) in the Duomo making contacts with people.
Her first area will be Vicenza and she will be serving with Sorella Beulder (sp?) from Utah.
Vicenza, a city in north-eastern Italy, is the capital of the eponymous province in the Veneto region, at the northern base of the Monte Berico, straddling the Bacchiglione. Vicenza is approximately 60 km west of Venice and 200 km east of Milan.
Area: 30.89 sq miles (80 km²)
Weather: 78°F (26°C), Wind E at 4 mph (6 km/h), 48% Humidity
Province: Province of Vicenza
Local time: Wednesday 3:17 PM (Today, May 1, 2013)
Her flight route was SLC to Chicago to Frankfurt to Milan.
The Milan, Italy Duomo.
Her first area will be Vicenza and she will be serving with Sorella Beulder (sp?) from Utah.
Vicenza, a city in north-eastern Italy, is the capital of the eponymous province in the Veneto region, at the northern base of the Monte Berico, straddling the Bacchiglione. Vicenza is approximately 60 km west of Venice and 200 km east of Milan.
Area: 30.89 sq miles (80 km²)
Weather: 78°F (26°C), Wind E at 4 mph (6 km/h), 48% Humidity
Province: Province of Vicenza
Local time: Wednesday 3:17 PM (Today, May 1, 2013)
Her flight route was SLC to Chicago to Frankfurt to Milan.
The Milan, Italy Duomo.
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