Alright. Let's be real. I didn't come up with this nor discover it. I've just been paying attention to what EVERY general authority is saying these days.
The secret to missionary work...................
wait for it.......................
buckle up.............................
wait for it.......................
buckle up.............................
And oh, my. How that is the verità .
This past week Sorella Hallum and I tried so hard to visit lots of members and to bring them with us to our lessons. We visited 5 different families and had the blessing of the strength of our members and their testimonies at our lessons with investigators!
I can say confidently that members have made my mission so far. Not just that my personal relationship with them has been so rewarding, rich and eternal, but that I've learned soooo much from them. The forza of these members is matchless. Many of them are converts themselves so their ability to relate to investigators is incredible. For missionaries to work successfully and effectively, we MUST be using our members. Ecco, why we had that huge broadcast ''The Work of Salvation'' about two months ago that touched on this very thing. There's absolute need for finding work. But there's more need to reinforce our members and find the people that are being prepared THROUGH our members. They are already sharing their standards and testimonies with their friends, we just have to ask! The work is sweeter and better when we use our members. Oh how I have a testimony of this! I'm just feeling the MEMBER and MISSIONARY FIRE! I get so stoked about coming up with ward mission plans, planning fhe's with our members, visiting members, creating new avenues for how better to utiliz this resource that we have------IT'S THE BEST!
Trust me, I know full well that I'm not some brilliant, ahead of the game missionary. loads of other people know this too, and I'm just know realizing! I remember the advice my brother Dev gave me before my mission, he said, ''Loo, if you want to be successful, use the members.'' meno male, my brother was soooooo giusto.
As we've used our beautiful members more, our investigators have been progressing. COINCIDENCE? I. think. not. (also, I'm about 83% sure I just spelled coincidence wrong. but forgive me. I don't speak English anymore. My English is SHOT)
Nazareno is progressing beautifully as he's turning to his Savior in time of need. We're trying to emphasize more and more with our investigators the role of Jesus Christ in empowering them to overcome temptation and find peace in their lives, it's only through HIM. and it's working! Nazareno brought hs 9 year old daughter to church on Sunday and it was unreal!
And our dear MariaTeresa! she's so stoked for her baptism and already picked out her baptism dress! she came to us prepared and ready for this. she's so committed and we have the privilege of meeting with her like 3 times every week! and she always comes to FHE and brings something!
SPEAKING OF FHE. this week was swell. we had so many investigators and members come (which is a miracle in itself that considering we started this puppy from the ground! but now FHE is popping and so is English class! all you have to do is treat people good, let them feel the love of the Lord for them, and promise them blessings!)This week, we played Ladroni di Gadianton (which is Gadianton Robbers, we just played Mafia but changed the name.) (aka the Baer fam game) I decided to channel Dev as I remember he played it on his mish. But instead of mafias, we had Gadianton robbers. it was the swellest. I was the mediator, and mercy, if that game wasn't hard enough explaining in English, it sure is tough in Italian. But oh, how it was a little taste of the Baer home right here in Como. tender mercy. una piccola misericordia
I remember President Butler once told me, ''If you want to become frustrated in the work, do it your way.'' HIS way and HIS work is perfect. we have but to follow Him. As our perfect example, we can learn in the scriptures how the Savior treated investigators,members and companions. How He explained the docrines of the gospel boldly and yet with such tenderness. How He let ALL feel of His love for them constantly. If we have any question as to how to behave, we just need to look to the Perfect Example.
I feel eternally blessed that I can bear His name everyday.
Con tutto del mio amore,
Sorella Baer
p.s. I love you.
p.s.s. I've been asking random people here who their favorite musician is..... and the resounding, across the board, answer is MICHAEL JACKSON. You should see my expression as these sweet Italians say those magic words. It's the best.
p.s.s.s. Every week we go and visit this sweet member in our ward . She always just makes the best Italian food, and she's just this cute, old little Italian woman. Highlight? This week she gave a pair of italian leather heels. They're DARLIN'. (Well.... a year from now, I'll sport 'em!)
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